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 Dr Nyamweya Omwansa has been a well-known Herbalist in  Kenya and Uganda , born & raised in Kissi Western Kenya then later Uganda , today Daktari Nyamweya has been to several African countries and a few European countries not just as a herbalist but also  as the best spell caster and super natural healer to cast all kind of spells. We’re proud to have produced years of happy customers and look forward to continuing our work for many more to come! Visit Dr Nyamweya  in Nairobi to hear about your problems and assist you to solve it.

'I might not be your instant fix but however I am sure , I will be your best solution'


For those seeking love Charms , "I help them to lure the ones they admire. However , winning their hearts or sleeping with them will depend on their  own charming words and promises , I dont' confuse people to take advantage of them  ,though I can perform a Charm to snatch another person's boyfriend or girlfriend  but eventually if that underwear gets treated , then they can't stray anymore as they will no longer be having the urge to sleep with someone else besides the spouse, unless the charm is re-performed again." 

Traditional love spell caster

Get the best and most powerful spells in Kenya, be it Love Spells, Business Spells, Protection spells, or any other type of spells you seek you shall find them, Dr Nyamwyea is a spell casting Expert respected across Kenya and Uganda for his skills and talent. 

call today

You’ve just found the most popular Herbal Remedies Store in Kenya Uganda and now in the US & SA At Dr Nyamweya we’re all about old school service and state-of-the-art merchandise. We source exactly what you need, Come and explore his services today!

The best traditional Healer & Spell caster in Kenya Uganda Tanzania & Africa at large.


DISCOVER Dr Nyamweya

Tel +254758277609

 Dr Nyamweya is now also available and reaching more people in the United states ,  Califonia & SA

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